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UWICE Digital Repository

Electronic Journals

Journals are the best resource for academic and scientific writings. They are considered to have a recent publications and findings in the field. However, most of journals require paid subscription to have full access. On the other hand, there are many organinzations who support open access e-journals such as AGORA and many more.

A list of journal titles below can be accessed without the need of authentication. Most of them can be accessed via Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ):
is a portal which lists all open access e-journals across all diciplines, and has collected a good number of e-journals related to agriculture, forestry and environmental science.

A list of other open access electronic journal websites.

  • Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) along with publishers mainly to support developing countries to access digital resources in the fields of food, agriculture, environment and social science.
  • Highwire -the largest archive of free full text literatures and articles related to science. A significant number of environmental and forestry related literatures are archived.
  • Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE), -an international public-private consortium lead by the United Nations Environment Programme, Yale Univeristy and science and technology publishers. Offers access to developing countries.
  • Public Library of Science -leading a transformation in Research Communication in the field of science and medicine..